I ironically work on a farm but normally do gutters for the owner for a few months now.Me: omg im so hungry *eats* socitey: 'Thats ok' *horny* HOW DARE YOU NOT FIT IN WITH SOCIETY/HUMANS! TRY to keep it relitivly short as it will be easier to process with my autisic mind, thank you Cuz its not often i get to talk about things openly as such, well.ever. I have a med flared horse and that 2 hole one from etsy.oh and spitfire (SPYRO!) (keeps me sane too!). Rule pages isnt loading so ima go outta on a limb here *dangles precariously* Because of that, I am going to be pretty vague, for now anyway until I am truly comfortable I am TERRIFIED of getting caught (can't stress enough).I have thick ass skin just dont be a dick about it question? PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD ASK AWAY.This has taken me literlly 6 hours with a few breaks.
But I will say if anyone belongs here its me. I put in as much detail as human(sadly)ly possible.